Monday, 4 February 2019

Android Nougat 7.1.1 boot up on Beaglebone Black

Finally got Android Nougat 7.1.1 boot up on my Beaglebone black. I am not sure whether it is a fluke or for real as I have to replicate it again with a rebuild.

I had removed all the different PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES because of one service complaining about another service not being present. One last thing I removed was config.disable_noncore=true. Now I re-enabled the same and built the whole thing up. I will update the results soon.

*Update*: Tried adding config.disable_noncore and it starts crashing. Did a make clean and rebuilt by removing config.disable_noncore and it started working.

Also I bought a new set of microSD cards which are class 10 and is much faster than the previous crappy microSD cards. Let me see if they made a difference. 

*Update*: Yes they make a difference. They are faster to write and it is faster for the overall system too.

There is still a crash which I saw in the first boot which is IpManager.eth0 which was plaguing before.  Leaving the system just like that manages to start the system even though there is a single set of kills of audioserver, cameraserver, media, netd but it recovers. This problem I think I will have to try fixing it. Doing a simple cursory search shows a Linaro chat log saying it is some subtle timing bug introduced by the printing but I am not very sure about this.

A 'service list' commands gives the following services:

beagleboneblack:/ # service list
Found 112 services:
0       carrier_config: []
1       phone: []
2       isms: []
3       iphonesubinfo: []
4       simphonebook: []
5       telecom: []
6       isub: []
7       contexthub_service: [android.hardware.location.IContextHubService]
8       dns_listener: []
9       connmetrics: []
10      connectivity_metrics_logger: []
11      imms: []
12      media_projection: []
13      launcherapps: []
14      shortcut: []
15      trust: []
16      media_router: []
17      media_session: []
18      restrictions: [android.content.IRestrictionsManager]
19      graphicsstats: [android.view.IGraphicsStats]
20      assetatlas: [android.view.IAssetAtlas]
21      dreams: [android.service.dreams.IDreamManager]
22      commontime_management: []
23      network_time_update_service: []
24      samplingprofiler: []
25      diskstats: []
26      appwidget: []
27      soundtrigger: []
28      jobscheduler: []
29      hardware_properties: [android.os.IHardwarePropertiesManager]
30      serial: [android.hardware.ISerialManager]
31      usb: [android.hardware.usb.IUsbManager]
32      DockObserver: []
33      audio: []
34      wallpaper: []
35      dropbox: []
36      search: []
37      country_detector: [android.location.ICountryDetector]
38      location: [android.location.ILocationManager]
39      devicestoragemonitor: []
40      notification: []
41      recovery: [android.os.IRecoverySystem]
42      updatelock: [android.os.IUpdateLock]
43      servicediscovery: []
44      connectivity: []
45      ethernet: []
46      rttmanager: []
47      wifiscanner: []
48      wifi: []
49      wifip2p: []
50      netpolicy: []
51      netstats: []
52      network_score: []
53      textservices: []
54      network_management: [android.os.INetworkManagementService]
55      clipboard: [android.content.IClipboard]
56      statusbar: []
57      device_policy: []
58      deviceidle: [android.os.IDeviceIdleController]
59      lock_settings: []
60      uimode: []
61      mount: [IMountService]
62      accessibility: [android.view.accessibility.IAccessibilityManager]
63      input_method: []
64      pinner: []
65      vrmanager: [android.service.vr.IVrManager]
66      input: [android.hardware.input.IInputManager]
67      window: [android.view.IWindowManager]
68      alarm: []
69      consumer_ir: [android.hardware.IConsumerIrService]
70      vibrator: [android.os.IVibratorService]
71      content: [android.content.IContentService]
72      account: [android.accounts.IAccountManager]
73 [android.hardware.ICameraServiceProxy]
74      telephony.registry: []
75      scheduling_policy: [android.os.ISchedulingPolicyService]
76      webviewupdate: [android.webkit.IWebViewUpdateService]
77      usagestats: []
78      battery: []
79      sensorservice: [android.gui.SensorServer]
80      processinfo: [android.os.IProcessInfoService]
81      permission: [android.os.IPermissionController]
82      cpuinfo: []
83      dbinfo: []
84      gfxinfo: []
85      meminfo: []
86      procstats: []
87      activity: []
88      user: [android.os.IUserManager]
89      otadexopt: []
90      package: []
91      display: [android.hardware.display.IDisplayManager]
92      power: [android.os.IPowerManager]
93      appops: []
94      batterystats: []
95      netd: []
96      media.resource_manager: []
97      media.player: []
98      media.drm: []
99      media.sound_trigger_hw: [android.hardware.ISoundTriggerHwService]
100 [android.hardware.IRadioService]
101     media.audio_policy: []
102     media.extractor: []
103     media.audio_flinger: []
104     drm.drmManager: [drm.IDrmManagerService]
105 [android.hardware.ICameraService]
106     media.codec: []
107     android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService: [android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService]
108 []
109     gpu: [android.ui.IGpuService]
110     SurfaceFlinger: [android.ui.ISurfaceComposer]
111     batteryproperties: [android.os.IBatteryPropertiesRegistrar]

In the mean time a screenshot to celebrate.

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