Wednesday 3 January 2018

Beaglebone UART connection using PL2303 USB to UART adapter

To connect to the Beaglebone UART for console messages I connect to my PC with a PL2303 USB to UART adapter.

The product page is present here:

We have the wire color coding and pin-out to the Beaglebone's J1 header6 (6 pin header) as follows:

Red: +5V (DANGER: Do not connect to any of the UART headers. Please keep it unused for UART. You may use it for something else but please read the specifications before doing it)
Black: Gnd (Pin 1 which is marked with white dot)
Green:  Tx from USB port to Rx of BeagleBone UART (Pin 4. Net Name: B_UART0_RX)
White: Rx into USB port from Tx of BeagleBone UART (Pin 5. Net Name: B_UART0_TX)

A reference image to easily verify:

After connection you can verify the console messages using a program like screen with a configuration 115200n81.

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